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What is the difference between our left-brain and right-brain?

We do not have two separate brains. Left-brian is the left hemisphere of our brain and the right-brain is the right hemisphere of our brain.




We do not have two separate brains,
1.  Left-brian is the left hemisphere of our brain and
2. The right-brain is the right hemisphere of our brain.
But if they comprise the same organ, why are they referred to separately? That is because there are significant differences between these two hemispheres. Read more to find out…

Fun fact:
The left hemisphere of our brain controls the right side of our body, and the right hemisphere of our brain controls the left-side of our body.
But the question is, why? 

What is the main function of the left and right brain?

The left brain is associated with logical thinking, language, and analytical processes, while the right brain is linked to creativity, intuition, and visual-spatial skills. Both hemispheres work together, contributing to various aspects of cognitive functions and behavior.

What are the main functions of the Left Brain ?
The left hemisphere of our brain is more analytical, logical, detail-oriented, numerical and thinks in words. It is more active in the process of speech production. People who use sign language to express themselves, use their left brain more than their right brain. The left hemisphere of our brain is more keen on paying attention to our internal world.

What are the main functions of the Right Brain ?
The right hemisphere helps our creativity and free-thinking. It enhances our intuition and causes us to think in terms of pictures. Our right hemisphere is our domain of emotion. It is the reason we can communicate and explore the outer world.

What are the characteristics of the right brain?
The right brain primarily controls creativity, intuition, spatial awareness, and holistic thinking. It is associated with artistic abilities, emotional expression, and recognizing patterns. While both hemispheres collaborate, the right hemisphere specializes in these aspects of cognitive function.

What are the characteristics of the left brain?

The left brain is associated with logical reasoning, analytical thinking, language processing, and mathematical skills. It controls the right side of the body and is linked to sequential processing. The left hemisphere is dominant for most people in tasks involving speech and language.

It is believed that people are either left-brain or right-brain, but that is a myth. The truth is yes, some people are more inclined towards creativity, while some are very logical. But there is no such left-brain or right-brain dominance, it may vary with a person’s location.

It's essential to understand that the brain is highly interconnected, and both hemispheres work together in most cognitive processes. Research has shown that the brain is much more complex and dynamic than the simple left-brain/right-brain model suggests. Many functions, such as problem-solving, require the cooperation of both hemispheres. Additionally, individual differences in brain lateralization vary, and not everyone will fit neatly into the left-brain or right-brain category.

The left-brain/right-brain concept is a helpful metaphor for discussing cognitive and creative functions, but it should not be taken as a rigid or all-encompassing explanation of brain function.


Your brain weighs 2% of your body weight. And it consumes 20% of the total oxygen you breathe and 15% of all the body’s blood supply.


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