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Roger Federer, Boredom, restlessness , mental fatigue

What happens when we get bored?

Boredom is a very common feeling. Even, animals feel bored like us. It is the feeling of dissatisfaction, restlessness and mental fatigue.


Mental Health


Boredom is a very common feeling. Even animals feel bored like us. It is the feeling of dissatisfaction, restlessness and mental fatigue. In general we associate boredom with negative feelings. Boredom is considered a great source of unhappiness with the perception of slower passage of time. But it has some benefits also…

What happens when we get bored?
Some researchers have discovered that people who are prone to boredom have shown higher activity in the right frontal parts of their brain. What does that mean?

Boredom affects our mental health.
So, when we are bored, and don’t have anything to do, our brain apparently does a lot of work. It is a sign that we must take a break from our routine. The way we deal with boredom can cause a difference to our mental health.

It increases our creativity
It has also been observed that boredom increases our reflective ability, and gives us a lot of time for thought. It is one reason why we become creative out of boredom.

Boredom helps us get adventurous
Boredom is a sign that we are emotionally ready to have adventurous experiences in our life. It helps us gain courage to do new things and motivates us to explore the world.

What do you do when you get bored?


Till the age of 12, Roger Federer played both soccer and tennis. With his growing age and responsibility, he had to give up on one of the sports.


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