The School social
Let’s Unplug to Reconnect

Let’s Unplug to Reconnect

The School Social | Get a chance to publish your poems, blogs, creativity, stories. A safe social space for students, teachers and parents.

Anureet Kaur

Short Stories


 Thinking, right? I know you obviously have to think as we all almost stay stuck to that 6 inch screen and do not have time for each other do we? Well sometimes you may think that how people managed their lives back then with a lot more work than today and with very less facilities. But hey, they also had 24 hours just like us. The only thing they did not have was any electronic gadget which eats away our time under our nose and we never know where in the world our time goes.

So, I am not going to bother you with a lengthy and monotonous lecture.

something crisp for you.First lock away all your gadgets for some time. Now take a deep breath and step out and look at the world around you. Go talk to your neighbors. Gift them something if you have a sour relationship with them. And trust me, they will be happy to look after your house if you are not there and help you whenever you need them. After all, no man is an island, right?

 I know, this world can be a nasty place, but if you do not socialize and take some time out for your neighbors, friends, relatives and other people, you may not have anyone as your back and then you may be lonely. Don’t forget that in difficult times you always need a shoulder to lean on and definitely not your phone.  Actually you know what, we have got only one human life. And no matter what lame reason you may pull, human life is the most gifted one. One life – live it, love it !